This BLOG / Web Site belongs to Dora Dominguez-Carey, 2011: "Saldivar Template" by Dora D. Carey, 2011: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005

WELCOME to our BLOG...
Pertinent data regarding the 2013 SALDIVAR REUNION
 to be posted here when available - or for certain on our 
SALDIVAR FACEBOOK page also if available.
Diana Moreno-Reyes is heading up the 2013 reunion. THANKS!
NOTE: You must have a FaceBook account and login to view our group.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Eva "Evita" Moreno-Dominguez: Updates halted for a while in memory of Mama!

(Postings will be halted and the music silenced for a while out of respect)
It's been a hectic month and right smack in the middle of things, it managed to come to a crashing halt as we lost our dear, beloved Mama last Thursday (11-17-11). If anyone would like to share stories and/or pictures of our dear Mama (perhaps even a tribute), please feel welcome to share.

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